Saturday, July 5, 2008

Consumption rewritten


Christopher Schaberg said...

I got your comment/message, Rachel, and I'll read your new post—good job being inventive with finding a way to contact me! That was clever. And thanks for recommending Wall-E!

Christopher Schaberg said...

Your second post is excellently revised, and your third post, the argument about cafés in Davis, is articulate and utterly convincing. I'm excited for Sanisa to build his new, bigger Mishka's. Until then, we'll have to keep fighting for spots there. Bernardo is pretty nice, I have to say—except sometimes you emerge smelling like french fries or grilled salmon. I really like how you've based your argument on a local case study; this is very effective and inviting for your reader.

Christopher Schaberg said...

For those of you who visit this page and are confused why you cannot see Rachel's posts: they are located (for now) in the comments section of my most recent post on Wall-E.

Arisa said...

I read your post #2 about consumption on Chris' blog. Your second post provide better argument compare to the first post. I like how you provide examples like at least two televisions and a big yellow house. Also, your conclusion is great! I totally agree with you that we would begin to search for new needs in order to continue to better our lives.

Arisa said...

I enjoyed reading your third post because I usually do not studying at cafes in Davis. I thought studying at cafes was a bad idea because it would be distractive if I study in environment with too many people and noises. After reading your post, I felt like I would like to go to few of local cafes that you brought about it. You provide excellent argument on your local case study.