Thursday, September 17, 2009

spaetzle is super revival


It has definitely been some time since I've posted, and I obviously have not edited the panzanella recipe nor have I added pictures/elaborated on my last post/done half of the other things I promised I would do with this blog. In my defense, I've been up to a lot during the past year (eesh) including but not limited to:

- Graduating from college (HOORAY!)
- Attending and graduating from culinary school (HOORAY, AGAIN!)
- Moving most of my crap down to San Diego to R's (and now MY) apartment
- Moving the rest of my crap to my parents' house (about which they are THRILLED)
- Beginning to plan a wedding (except that I suspect this will be more of a time suck in the coming year than it has been so far)
- Watching all three seasons of Dexter

So as you can see, I've been quite busy. So why post now? Well, I graduated from culinary school on Friday (yes, nearly a week ago) and I am now in the odd situation of having an excess of free time. So far, I have not managed this my new situation effectively, as I become so overwhelmed by the possibilities free time permits that I end up squandering it away on bits and pieces of random activities. It is a bit hard, however, for me to do very much at this point as I cannot commit to a job until I move to San Diego, and I do not know exactly when that will be.

I DO, however, have time to cook, and henceforth will be tentatively committing to reviving this blog by writing at least 3 times a week (this seems like a doable goal) or perhaps MORE. Well, perhaps. I'd like to get back to my regularly scheduled shenanigans asap.

In any case, this has been my awkward transition back into writing; now for the real thing, internet!

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